Monday, May 23, 2011

Homemade Cinnamon Rolls

The happiness I felt today was brought about by having baked a successful batch of cinnamon rolls. But yesterday was a different story.  The word sad wouldn't even be enough to describe the emotion I experienced. I was so dismayed that I had to throw away 2 dozen cinnamon  rolls, the results of a failed experiment on my first attempt.

That catastrophe was brewing for a week before it finally struck. You see, I prepared the dough's leavening for 5 days, constantly and religiously stirring it every night.  There was even a time when I was already  in bed and remembered that I forgot to stir it. Somehow, I still managed to convince myself to get up (in the middle of the night) and stir the leavening downstairs.

I don’t know what happened exactly.  Maybe I didn’t understand the directions very well.  Maybe I spent too much time solving the Sudoko (with Algebra problems) booklets while I was baking (Marc bought me two booklets last Friday. YAY!).  Did I not focus enough?  It doesn’t matter now since I already threw the recipe away.  I placed the recipe together with the failed cinnamon rolls and threw them all away.  I Didn't even bother to take a photo of it, I just didn't want to be reminded of them.  Anyway, I refused to sleep last night until I found me a good recipe.

My luck was about to change and soon I stumbled upon one!  I copied the recipe, put it in my recipe box and slept.  Thank goodness there was no insomnia attack.  When I woke up, Marc (the best husband in the world!) already bought me supplies of flour and sugar icings.  He also bought me itlog na pula (red salty egg) since I mentioned yesterday that I’ll just bake ensaymada again, and that I will put itlog na pula on it.  It is one of the recipes that I would like to call “comfort zone recipes” since I have already baked them several times.

On the other hand, my instinct told me that I had to try this new recipe.  So I did.  But I promised myself not to alter the recipe even if just a tiny bit.  It is a promise I couldn't keep though.  So I still made a little adjustment since I didn't want an extremely sweet recipe.  I could still see a lot of potential for improvement, but it turned out absolutely yummy anyway.

I think I am beginning to enjoy this blog writing so much I didn’t realize I have written something this long already.  So enough words, time for you to see the end result....

Are you ready for it?

Here is the successful batch of cinnamon rolls.  Boy they are fluffy!

homemade cinnabon cinnamon rolls

Husband is happy! ^_^

homemade cinnabon cinnamon rolls

A closer look.  fresh from the oven

homemade cinnabon cinnamon rolls

top it up with cream cheese frosting

homemade cinnabon cinnamon rolls

At this point the cream cheese frosting was starting to melt.

homemade cinnabon cinnamon rolls

still melting...

homemade cinnabon cinnamon rolls

now it's dripping

homemade cinnabon cinnamon rolls

Ooops... sorry we couldn't help it... we just had to take a bite.

homemade cinnabon cinnamon rolls

Our family is planning to open up an online bakeshop and this yummy delight will be offered as one of our products.  The good thing about families living  far from each other is that when they decide to cater services to people, they can make it available to a larger area.

So to our friends in Dagupan City... Trixie, my sister in law, is already taking orders of cream puffs.  You better hurry while she's not yet that busy.  Lucky for her, she's got a little helper.  That would be Bianca, my niece.  I  assume Bianca is the VP in the taste test department.  LOL!

In the northern part of Metro Manila (QC, Marikina, Antipolo, Bulacan, Makati), our senior baker Auntie Tere will provide your pastry needs.  Her fruitcake is always such a big hit in every Christmas reunion we had.  I am not really a fruitcake person but after I tasted hers, I was instantly converted.  RJ, her son and my cousin, mastered the best crispy oatmeal cookies with chocolate chips I've ever tasted.  It is the type wherein once you tried one, you can no longer stop yourself from getting another.. and another.. and another.  I'm telling you, it is addictive so beware.

Soon our multiply website will be available to take your orders.  For now you can email us at  Pictures of products will soon be available as well.

On a different note... 

After consuming a lot of sweets earlier today, I’m afraid I am too sugar high that I might have a hard time sleeping.  So I am drinking fresh tarragon tea tonight since it gives a calming effect.   

We simply picked tarragon tea leaves  from mama’s garden.  No need to add sugar or honey since it already has a hint of sweetness in it.  It is very easy to prepare.  All you have to do is toss washed tarragon leaves in a hot water and wait for it to cool, just a tad bit.  Just enough for you to sip it.

homemade cinnabon cinnamon rolls

Wasn't that easy?  Now you can enjoy sweet treats all you want minus the fear of disturbed sleep.  I also read that tarragon is great with our digestive system.  Don't you just love an all naturalé happiness?! ^_^

homemade cinnabon cinnamon rolls