Thursday, May 19, 2011

Chooks to Go Pizza

We've made quite a few pizzas already and it always ends up with a different result every time, at least for the dough.  That's because I haven't perfected the pizza dough yet.  But the sauce... It's a different story.  I'm not sure if it's because a more experienced cook prepares it.  Yes Marc always makes the sauce, and it is consistently perfect.  All the time.
Nevertheless, I never get disheartened making homemade dough since it gets less and less harder for me to make it every time I try.  The last time, it turned out to be more elastic and flexible, so it becomes easier to stretch it into making thin crusts.  But like I said, I haven't perfected the dough yet so this tutorial will assume that you already have your favorite pizza dough.  If not, you can find a selection of ready-made pizza doughs in your favorite groceries (I hope).  Once I get satisfied with how my pizza dough turns out, I promise to post it here.  So stay tuned!

Now here goes the recipe good for two 10-inch-pizzas...

Red Pizza Sauce recipe

1 pack 250g Tomato sauce 
dried Basil      (to taste)
pepper           (to taste)
pinch of salt
sugar             (to taste)

Just mix the ingredients all together.  (Sounds easy, right?)  Put half of the mixture in the middle of the pizza dough.  Using the back of your ladle (a spoon or anything similar that you can find in your kitchen, nothing fancy) swirl the sauce towards the outward part of the dough.  Doesn't have to be perfect.  You just need to spread it.

Chooks To Go Pizza Sauce

Put anything you have at hand as toppings.  We had Chooks To Go chicken leftovers from our lunch so we decided to make pizzas out of it.  That was in between baking our first order of creampuffs! (Those creampuffs deserve a separate post, trust me *grin*)

You can also put pepperoni, sausages, or meatballs.  Good thing about making your own pizza is that you can put as little or much ingredients as you want.

If you like you can put onions...

Chooks To Go Pizza Onions

and pineapple...

Chooks To Go Pizza Pineapple

More pineapple please...

Chooks To Go Pizza Pineapple

And of course, a generous amount of cheese...

Chooks To Go Pizza Cheese

Yes... generous.  Please don't forget that word when you think of cheese in pizza.

Chooks To Go Pizza Cheese

It should be enough to cover your whole pizza.  We used quickmelt cheese, and if you're feeling fancy, feel free to use different kinds of cheese all you want.

Now, that's how you make your homemade Chooks To Go Pizza!
Chooks To Go Pizza
I hope you go to your kitchen and try this.
Chooks To Go Pizza

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