Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Barney Cake and Cutie Patootie Maggie

I have been working for the same company for 10 years now. (gasp! I didn't just say that!)  In my long stay in the said company, I have collected a lot of close and wonderful friends along with adorable godchildren.

Maggie, one of my goddaughters, celebrated her 3rd birthday last September.  So I decided to make her a Barney cake.

This was the first time we made a 3D topper.  I said "we" since Cards (brother) and Marc (husband) made Barney's initial molding.  I just helped with the finishing touches such as the eyes, balloon, and the green thingie on his tummy.  

We were laughing a lot while making it since it was Barney they were "forced" to make.  The least favorite character of all.  It all started by associating Barney with Arnie, a dinosaur mascot from the movie "Nine Months".  Hugh Grant punched the Arnie in front of all the kids inside the store because he was annoying.  So every time we see Barney from the store shelves, we had this inside joke about wanting to punch Barney in the face.

But, since my dear goddaughter Maggie loves Barney, they had no choice but to make it. :))

It was so worth it to convince them into making the topper...
Need proof?

I thought Dora was still her favorite character, good thing I asked her dad what her current favorite is.  He replied Barney automatically and he's absolutely right!  Just take a look at the photo below.

Now every time we talk over the phone, there is always a conversation starter. LOL!

She never forgets the cake!  She always tell me about how she blew out the candle and ate the cake every time we talk.

She would also ask me what I am baking now.

our baby zoolander eating Barney's balloon

Isn't she a cutie patootie?

Then she would end our conversation with.. "I love you ninang, I miss you, love you, ingat (take care)!"

Sigh... such an adorable baby. :x

It wasn't so long ago when she looked like this...

Barney cake

I love you too Maggie... I'm glad you liked your cake. :*

Maria Reyes

*special thanks to Maggie's dad, Ronnie, for providing the awesome pictures. keep it up!

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