Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Remake of SuperMom Chocolate Cake

Two days after my birthday, it was a former colleague's mom's birthday.  He asked me to bake him a chocolate cake with the design I made for mama last mother's day.  It was supposedly just an 8" round cake.  But since I was feeling generous at the time ;)),  I added another tier which is a small heart-shaped cake.  He was specific with the message that I attached around the cake.  It says "YOU ARE THE BEST MAMA <3".  Too bad I wasn't able to take a picture since we were in a hurry that morning (we were already late for work).  Anyway, here was the top view..

supermom chocolate cake you are the best mama

Thanks Tan for trusting me, I'm glad you liked the taste.  You're a certified guinea PIG. :D

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