Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sex and the City Chocolate Cake

I had a very busy baking life last week. There were orders everyday that my normal sleeping time was way past midnight. Please don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining. I was in fact grateful that I was able to practice baking and making different fondant designs without adding up inches on our bellies. :D

Sex and the City Cake

Along with the baby shower party was a birthday surprise for their friend. They didn’t ask for any design so I volunteered to include it. I didn’t ask for extra charge just so I could have the freedom to implement whatever design I had in mind. I was only told that she like the color pink so I thought, why not “Sex and the City”?

Sex and the City Cake Carrie Bradshaw

I got the most of the cake ideas from the internet except for the dress which was inspired by Carrie’s iconic dress.

Sex and the City Cake Carrie Bradshaw
(Picture courtesy of

Sex and the City Cake Carrie Bradshaw

I got lucky my pretty cousin Nadja visited that we got to have her model the cake. I couldn't have picked anyone better!

Sex and the City Cake Carrie Bradshaw

I hope I get to recruit her into baking as well! ;))

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