Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mama's Labor of Love

Since it is mother's day, I decided to feature some of my mom's passions.  But before I do that, allow me to first give you an overview about her.  Let me put it this way, every time I think of her I am reminded that mothers are both the strongest and kindest person you will ever know your entire life.

Almost everyone thinks that their mothers are the coolest and I have to admit I feel the same way.  I was told that my mom was an adventurous and independent lady during her youth.  She had a strict father, but that did not stop her from attending her favorite bands’ concerts.  She even bought her own guitar and learned to play it by herself.  Her fondness for music made me and my two brothers lucky growing up since we did not have to buy cassette tape albums during those times.  She already collected them herself. Talk about getting a free ride!  Some of these music were from bands and artists such as E-heads, Alanis Morissette, Yano, Natalie Imbruglia, The Corrs, and The Youth to name a few.  I even remember our eldest brother’s friends came by our house one day and asked if she could help them tune up their guitar.

The problem however with having a cool mom is the part where you will have to share her with other “children” that she more than willingly  “adopts”.  I grew up with so many boys hanging around our house because she would rather see her sons close by, than constantly worrying about their whereabouts.  It was uncomfortable for me at first since I was never really at ease around boys other than my two brothers, but it later turned out to be advantageous for me since they have become my brothers as well.  What used to be discomfort, turned out to be a security blanket since they had become very loyal, helpful, concerned and good friends to us.

Just like every mothers we know, she was also very generous.  There was a time when she had to leave home for days because she volunteered to help the poorest of the poor and went to the different parts of the country.  Then she shared the small allowance she received from that volunteer work with her youngest brother, the one she dearly loved.  But she had to stop doing what she loved and look for a more stable job when we were about to enter secondary school, so she could help our father in supporting us with the finances.  During those times she would lavish us with gifts and it never mattered how much (or less) was left with her.  I would later realize how generous mama was, and that no matter what I offered her, I could never outgive her.

It puzzles me why a very strong lady can be softened.  Softened by her own children.  Why did I say so?  Mama is not the type of woman who would cry easily.  No matter what kind of circumstances life would throw her, I had never seen her cry.  It was only her children who had moved her to her very core.  That was the only fear that she could hardly keep to herself.  Fear for her children’s well being.  She's like a supermom and her kids are her kryptonite. May God forgive us for that.

I remember exactly how she handled situations during the worst times in our family; she would lead us into praying the rosary every night.  Even now that we have overcome them and are truly blessed, she would never forget to offer a thanksgiving prayer to God.  And that, among all the good qualities I mentioned, is the  thing that makes me very proud of her.

Now about her passion…

Six years ago, our family decided to open up a computer shop which she and my youngest brother manned.  From then on she never stopped playing online games.  She first started with Ragnarok, then MU online, then Flyff, and now that the facebook games have evolved… she has started playing Gods War.  She even made a character for me that I never get to play with. 

Another hobby that she is good at is gardening, which she most probably got from her green thumbed father.  It was normal for us, since we were just kids, to enjoy, quite literally, the fruits of her labor.  You just had to  pick a passion fruit, lemon,

 or calamansi  from her garden if you wanted a freshly squeezed juice.

  Or a pechay,

an eggplant,

(the roses here are my mother in law's)


or string beans if you wanted vegetables.  Sometimes, she would grow different kinds of flowers.

There were also different herbs available either for consumption, tea,


or as a spice.  Even for healing!  Although my elder brother is reluctant about it (for its lack of evidence through scientific study), it doesn’t matter.  I would still put alovera on my scalp any day if she said I should! 

Mama also loves to cook, but our style is completely different.  She is more of the experimental type while I am more into precision.  I am constantly dependent on recipes and relentlessly focused with every ingredient’s exact amount, while she would just approximate the measurement of her ingredients.  It is the same thing with how we would play the piano.  I will always read notes and sometimes memorize the piece in order for me to play and then finally know the tempo.  She, however, will first listen to the music before she would play and make her own interpretation.  A natural talent.

Now back to cooking…

The kinds that she would usually cook are Pangasinan (northen part of the Philippines) delicacies.  She learned to cook by observing her grandmother’s way of cooking then trying it on her own.  My personal favorite is the Suman, and the sweet sugar frosting called Katiba, that she often make whenever there are family reunions.  My cousins would sweetly tease her about how "old school" her humble share is but it is always such a big hit.  Always without a fail. 

It makes me happy that right now she is doing whatever activity pleases her.  And for that I am always reminded that one need not live a high lifestyle in order to achieve ones personal satisfaction.  That is one of the greatest wisdom I hope I will always keep.  Thank you mama for being the best that you can be for us.  Happy Mother's day! We love you.

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